IDE Portable Installation Guide for MacOs


  • Java Development Kit 11. 

Step 1: Download the relevant OL IDE zip from the Download Portal. Follow the instructions from

Step 2: Extract the zip folder. 

Step 3: Extract the and copy it contacts to your user/.m2/repository

Step 4: Right click on the OpenLegacy IDE Icon and choose “Show Package Contents”

Step 5: Go to Contents/MacOs and open a terminal tab in that location

Step 6: Grant execution right to “openlegacy” using the following command:

$chmod +x openlegacy

Step 7: Run the following command on the app itself:

xattr -cr /path/to/

Step 8: Add your JVM to the ini file:

  • Go to Contents/eclipse

  • Edit the openlegacy.ini file

  • Add the following:

    -vm and under it the path to the Java bin

Step 9: Run the IDE