Testing Framework

The Testing Framework allows developers to perform unit testing in the project while automating the tedious work in the “background”. The framework makes it easy to write and generate these tests and be able to cover many use cases. When upgrading the IDE to a newer version, we can be safer and know what "breaks" and what to fix.

Of particular importance is the framework's support to use 'Demo' data, specific to the client and installation, thus providing better testing coverage and greater assurance in the upgrade process.

Functional Description

  1. The Testing Framework provides an easy to use and standardized infrastructure for unit tests, with full coverage for SDK and API projects.

  2. Provides an easy way to add test data for non-technical users by utilizing standard JSON format to specify input and expected output data

  3. JSON files are auto-generated based on an RPC Entity for SDK Projects or API Definitions for API Projects

  4. Removes boilerplate code (object initialization, setters, etc.)

  5. Cleaner unit tests - unit tests contain a reference to input and output files only

  6. The infrastructure is transparent to the user/developer