On Prem Keycloak

Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management solution for modern applications and services

If you need to load the images from a zip file

  • Unzip the Hub Enterprise Files zip

  • Change Directory to /hub-enterprise

  • Load the image with:

    docker load < openlegacy-keycloak-16.1.0.tar.gz
  • Run Keycloak:

    docker-compose -f keycloak.yaml up -d

Run the container with an external network (recommended):

Make sure you have an external network defined, you can define it using:

docker network create hub-enterprise 

For Openlegacy Keycloak 22.x.x:

version: '3.7' services: keycloak: image: openlegacy/openlegacy-keycloak:22.0.3 ports: - 8081:8080 - 8443:8443 container_name: keycloak volumes: - ./keycloak/realms:/opt/keycloak/data/import command: - "start" - "--import-realm" environment: - KC_HTTP_ENABLED=true - KC_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_FILE=/opt/keycloak/keystore/openlegacy.jks - KC_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=openlegacy - KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH=/auth - KC_HOSTNAME_STRICT=false - KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=root - KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=openlegacy - KC_DB=postgres - KC_DB_USERNAME=$POSTGRES_USER - KC_DB_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD - KC_DB_SCHEMA=keycloak - KC_DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://$OL_DB_HOST/$OL_DB_NAME - KC_DB_URL_PORT=$OL_DB_PORT networks: - hub-enterprise networks: hub-enterprise: external: true


For Older images:



Unzip the attached keycloak.zip and mount the realms directory as in line 10 of the docker compose

Make sure the Environmental variables correspond to your database information

Run the container with a host network:


  • Setup Keycloak - the following steps are based on the provided docker-compose

    1. Go to Keycloak main page at address https://<HUB_URL>:8443 

    2. Go to the Clients tab and choose Hub-spa

    3. Go to Settings and inside Valid Redirect URIs change the following URL: http://localhost:8080/* to be http://<HUB_URL>:8080/*, for example,*



  • Your Keycloak is configured


  • Optional Step (Create Additional User) - Go to the Users tab(1) and create a new user(2) for the Hub-Enterprise API

    Enter Username(1) (and optional information) and save the user(2)

    • Go to the Credentials tab(1) and set up a user password(2,3,4,5)

    • Go to the Attributes tab and add the following key/values

      • Key: ol-fullname
        Value: {YOUR USERNAME} - in this case, this will hub-enterprise

      • Key: ol-tenantId
        Value :4a6bfc5d-3bae-45a3-99b9-d1e255875adb

    • Go to UsersEdit root user

    • Go to the Attributes tab and add the following key/values

      • Key: ol-fullname
        Value: root

      • Key: ol-tenantId
        Value :4a6bfc5d-3bae-45a3-99b9-d1e255875adb

The Keycloak json