On Prem Postgres SQL Deployment and Data Initialization

If you need to load the images from a zip file

  • Unzip the Hub Enterprise Files zip

  • Change Directory to /hub-enterprise

  • Load the image with:

    docker load < postgres-13.tar.gz

Run the container with an external network (recommended):

  • Run the Postgres SQL you can use the following image:

    docker-compose -f postgres.yaml up -d

Make sure you have an external network defined, you can define it using:

docker network create hub-enterprise

  • version: "3.7" services: postgres: image: "postgres:13" container_name: "postgres" restart: always networks: - hub-enterprise ports: - "5432:5432" environment: - POSTGRESQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=postgres - POSTGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres volumes: - ol-hub-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: hub-enterprise: external: true volumes: ol-hub-db-data:

Run the container with a host network:

  • Run the Postgres SQL. You can use the following image:

Running the DB Migration

To initialize the Database, you need to run the hub-enterprise-db-migration

If you need to load the images from a zip file

  • Unzip the Hub Enterprise Files zip

  • Change Directory to /hub-enterprise

  • Load the image with -

  • Run the Hub Enterprise DB Migration you can use the following image

Make sure the Environmental variables correspond to your Database information