CSV Parser - Generating CSV from Designated Excel File

The attached Excel file can generate a CSV file that the IDE will be able to read and use to generate an entity.

How it works:

Entity and Parser definitions:

  1. Entity Name:
    The value provided here will be the name of the exported CSV file and, eventually, the name of the entity (derived from the CSV file name)

  2. Display Name:
    The name that will be assigned to the entity.

  3. Language:
    This will effect the values available in the “Legacy types” column.
    For example : When selecting AS/400, this column will only have AS/400 legacy types available.

  4. Execution Path:
    The execution path of the Legacy program.


Field Definitions:

  • Field
    The field name.
    You can specify <part1>.<part2>.<fieldName>
    The parser will automatically create the specified parts. You do not need to explicitly specify them.

List of Parts need to be explicitly specified because the List Count needs to be specified.

  • Display Name
    The display name to assign to the field

  • Type(Java)
    The Java type this field should be assigned

  • Date Pattern
    For date fields. represent the format of the date.
    e.g: MM-dd-yyyy

  • Legacy Type:
    The Legacy type this field will be converted to/from.

  • Length
    The length of the field in the back-end, including decimal places. Example: 12345.67,

  • Decimal Places
    For numeric fields. The number of digits after the decimal point this number should include.

  • Count
    For List fields. The number of Items in the list.
    When dealing with list of objects (Parts) filling this field will determine whether we generate a list of type <part> or a single field of said type.

  • Direction
    Input / Output / Input_Output




When you are done with the definitions, click the Export to CSV button

Save the model worksheet as CSV
(Button doesn’t work on Mac)