How-To Set Specify CICS Certificates Through Properties

In many cases, the CICS environment is working on a secured connection and requires the request to use HTTPS. In order to achieve that the user can modify the following properties in his SDK YAML:


ol: cics: project: test: base-url: https://localhost allow-self-signed: true # set this to be false in order to prevent the use of self-signed certificates client-certificate: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nYOUR CERT HERE\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" client-private-key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n YOUR PRIVATE KEY HERE\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"

You can also specify a PEM file path:

ol: cics: project: test: base-url: https://localhost allow-self-signed: true # set this to be false in order to prevent the use of self-signed certificates client-certificate-file: "The path for a PEM formatted client certificate key." client-private-key-file: "The path for a PEM formatted client private key."